速報APP / 購物 / Roundabuy |Shop HK Brands

Roundabuy |Shop HK Brands



檔案大小:25.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.2 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:丹麥文, 德語, 日語, 法文, 簡體中文, 繁體中文, 英語, 葡萄牙文, 西班牙文

Roundabuy |Shop HK Brands(圖1)-速報App

Roundabuy係一個以香港品牌、故事同埋品質為核心價值既一個"網上購物平台"。 Roundabuy 既產品以精簡同特別為主,每一間店同埋產品都由我地既設計師精心挑選。 產品既種類同數量有一個限額,大大降低你既搜尋時間同埋成本。

想問下你,最上一次買野係幾時? 咁最上一次買香港品牌既野呢?前一排香港既一間經典文具店既倒閉新聞就好似晨早既鬧鐘一樣提醒左我地,而家有既野十年之後可能會消失得無形無蹤。



如果你要我地定義咩係香港品牌, 咁我地既定義就係,一班有自己既態度、唔會隨波逐流同埋對於自己做緊既野有熱誠既人就係香港品牌。

Roundabuy 既目標就係將香港品牌帶到全世界 。 我地係唔同既地方度搵黎唔同既香港品牌,希望可以提供一個更自由同埋更開放既平台比佢地去堅持佢地既理念。 我地希望入黎買野既人唔單止係比錢咁簡單,我地希望買家入到黎係可以睇埋我地每一個賣家既故事或者佢地背後既製作過程。 我地賣既野未必係最平,但係我地賣既一定係最獨特因為每一件製成品都有唔同既故事。

我地希望可以用我地既力量,令香港品牌可以繼續發展,唔駛我地既下一代問我地: 「香港品牌?咩黎架? 食得架?!」

Roundabuy 為你提供:

1. 大量有質素既香港品牌,每一個品牌都經過Roundabuy 審核,盡最大努力去防止假貨、低質貨

2. 安全可靠方便既網上支付,我地應用係全球信譽十足既第三方支付服務Stipe ,為客人提供穩定可靠既網上信用卡支付功能,Visa,Master 同埋citibank 既容戶可以隨時隨地24小時輕鬆購物

3. "我的最愛"功能等你可以記低你鍾意既產品/鋪頭,隨時隨地可以搵番Like 過既產品,諗清諗楚先再買

4. 我地提供既產品包括衫、褲、鞋、手銀、手機殻、裝飾品等等,款式唔多但勝在每件產品都係小量供應,絕小撞款

5. 留言同發問功能,比每個買完野既買家講番呢個賣家既產品/質素等,另外,可以容許買家公開向賣家提問,保持資訊公開,買野可以更加放心

6. 貨品快速到達,上網買野其實好似等睇下一集Running Man 或者One Piece 一樣,又心急、又期待。 我地盡量保持每件產品係付款後7個工作天內到達買家手上,令到買家可以更快取得產品

7. 安心保證,買家付款後,該筆支付款項會先由Roundabuy保管,直到買家收貨滿意後先會轉到賣家手上,保證買家權益(條款受細則限制)

Roundabuy |Shop HK Brands(圖2)-速報App

8. 資訊更新快,我地時時刻為各位搜羅世界各地資訊,希望令到各位可以貼近世界潮流

Roundabuy 獎項

2015-2016 年度香港數碼港微創意基金


2015-2016 年度Facebook Start Bootstrap Track得主

• 用家對Roundabuy既留言:

preservedfreshflower_hk : "真心希望你地既app可以被廣泛使用 因為香港真係欠缺左一個好既網上購物平台 5只幫到想創業而冇咁多錢開實店既人 仲方便左香港人 加油"

• Roundabuy 致力幫唔同既小店賣家,希望可以幫到佢地做生意,進一步拓展事業,促進香港品牌同埋香港既小店同埋支持香港人既創意發展

Roundabuy 入面既部份賣家介紹:

REVER LEATHER - 本地創作品牌。訂購獨一無二, 刻上名字的皮革用品。

Twenty Plus。手錶 - 香港網店,自家品牌 ,自家設計,讓經典融合現代 讓簡約透出時尚

Post Meridiann - Since 2015 aims to provide different classic, vintage, modern yet timeless clothing and something we collect from different countries.

Croad.Apparel - 為香港的男生搜羅最時尚最簡約價錢最合理的服飾,讓他們提供多一個選擇!


Instagram: roundabuy

Roundabuy |Shop HK Brands(圖3)-速報App

Facebook: www.facebook.com/roundabuy

Website: www.roundabuy.com

Roundabuy is an app selling some products handcrafted or designed by Hong Kong's creative designers and artists.

Roundabuy is a digital market place for people to explore unique and amazing products. It is an online platform for forigners or local residents to find somethings that are related to HK culture or crossover between HK and US/UK.etc

Simple Purchase Process

We aims at bringing the best mobile shopping experience to our users so users are able to purchase anything within 6 steps. Also, Apple Pay is implemented so users are able to purhcase anything quickly without extra steps to add credit card. We believe that convenience can make our customers happier.

Premium Quality Products

All the merchants of Roundabuy are selected according to our strict policy. Only the products that are original, authentic and creative can be lsited in Roundabuy. This ensures all the products our customers browsing are of high quality

Story Telling

Roundabuy is not only an online shopping platform. Also, it is a medium for the designers/artists to express their story and the origin of their brands. Roundabuy hopes to help spreading the story of these sellers so that their background / core value can be exposed to more people. All the products sold in RB have a story behind it.

In Roundabuy you are able to:

1. Brose and bookmark all the products available

2. Add custom descriptions/ requirements to the handcrafted products when submitting the order

3. Read the behind the scene or the story of our sellers written in Roundabuy's Blog

4. Enjoy a secure payment and convenient purcahse process

Roundabuy |Shop HK Brands(圖4)-速報App

5. Discover some gifts or souvenirs

Send feedback: team@roundabuy.com

Visit Roundabuy's website: www.roundabuy.com

Roundabuy |Shop HK Brands(圖5)-速報App
